Silvia's Fennel and Red Onion Gratin: Photo by Ryan Bartley; Recipe by Silvia Nacamulli |
- 3 large red onions
- 3 heads fennel
- Garlic powder, to taste
- 4 tbsp freshly minced flat parsley
- 4-5 tbsp breadcrumbs or panko
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- Extra virgin olive oil
Preheat the fan (convection) oven to 375 F and line 2 large sheet trays with parchment paper.
Peel the onions and wash the fennel, eliminating the choke.
Cut the fennel in half thorugh its root and boil it in salted water for 10-15 minutes. Drain and cut again lengthwise: you will have 4 long slices for each head of fennel*.
Cut the onions crosswise into 1 inch-thick slices.
Arrange the fennel and onion on the baking sheet as a single layer.
Sprinkle salt, pepper and garlic powder on top of each onion and fennel slice. Cover with breadcrumbs and parsley, and drizzle with the olive oil.
Bake for about 45 min or until golden. .
*If the fennel is large, cut it into more slices.
Distribute the onions and fennel slices
...see more HERE about the Italian chef, Silvia Nacamulli, and more!
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