Navigating Venice by passarelle; photo by Gwenael Piaser from Flickr |
We've all heard about Venice's flooding...this phenomenon usually occurs in the winter months, but it can happen earlier. According to this informative article, courtesy of, most of the city stays dry during such floods and locals and tourists may carry on with their plans. But it's a fascinating read nonetheless, especially as I and Kelly Medford take our students to Venice for our painting workshop on October 12, 2013.
How often does acqua alta occur?
Statistically, exceptional high tides—when the water level of the lagoon is 140 cm (55") or more above the standard sea level, the point at which more than half of the island of Venice is flooded—only happen once every four years. But more minor flooding occurs much more often: Water reaching 110 cm (43"), at which point flooding covers 14 percent of Venice, happens about four times a year.
In general, if you’re coming during the winter, particularly November or December, be prepared for the possibility of acqua alta!
Here’s a good video tour of what to expect when it gets really HERE to read more (including why you shouldn't bother taking your rain boots)!
Come with Helen K. Beacham and Kelly Medford to paint Venice this October...
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